The Christian Manifesto: Jesus’ Life-Changing Words from the Sermon on the Plain by Alistair BeggI wish that back in 2022, as I was preaching through the early chapters of the book of Luke, that I would have had a copy of Alistair Begg’s The Christian Manifesto. But unfortunately for me, this book was just published in September of 2023. As one of the best expositors of our time, Begg puts on a master class, expositing several verses from Luke 6. Begg isn’t writing a “Christian Manifesto” but showing us what Jesus gave as Manifesto for Christians to live by. If you have ever wondered what the “good life” looks like, what it looks like to have a joy filled life, Begg shows us that Jesus has the answer in Luke chapter six. What we find out is that “the good life” according to Jesus looks nothing like what the world calls the “the good life.” Begg says “This manifesto is a description of the life we were all made for, but it is a challenge to be different from how I naturally am and how the world around me operates.” (14) We were made in the image of God to shine His glory, but our inherited sin nature keeps us from living how we should. It should be of no surprise that what Jesus says leads to a good life is just about the exact opposite from what the world is telling you! Unfortunately, many believers listen to and are trapped by what the world says is good. James 4:4 tells us “You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (ESV). Believers must look and be different from the rest of the world. The good life is not found in leaning into the world but in leaning into the Lord. Begg says “We have spent decades congratulating ourselves for being able to go among our non-Christian friends and say, ‘You know what? We’re just the same as you.’ And they’ve said, ‘You know what? I think you’re absolutely right!” (15) How sad it is that today that there are so few distinguishing factors between Christians and the lost. Our culture is sad, depressed, stressed, and generally unsatisfied. Mental illness is everywhere! The coming generations are extremely fragile, “triggered” by what was once normal. This is the product of the pursuit of what this world calls “good.” That why Jesus, in his sermon on the plain, calls for what Begg refers to as “a reversal of values.” Jesus tells us it is better to be poor, hungry, sorrowful, and unpopular. He says love those who hate you and give without expecting something in return. This is not the way of the world! I recommend you go buy a copy of Alistair Begg’s Christian Manifesto, open your Bible to Luke 6 and begin living the good life! The Christian Manifesto is available at the retailers below.
Spotting Wolves1/16/2024 Photo by Michael LaRosa on Unsplash Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
Matthew 7:15 ESV In today’s church culture, it often seems that anything that is labeled “Christian” is immediately accepted and celebrated. The problem is that a lot of what is labeled as “Christian” isn’t. Whether it’s a tv show or movie that takes liberties with the biblical narrative and puts words into the mouth of Christ, or a song that uses catchy blasphemous phrases like “Reckless love,” these so called “Christian” avenues of entertainment often hurt more than they help. False teaching doesn't bring us to God but away from Him! But it’s not just the “Christian” entertainment industry. False teachers in false churches are also celebrated by Christians. I run across clips of false teachers all the time on social media. Typically, the clips of these false teachers that I find sound really good. It’ll be something encouraging that makes you feel better about yourself and if you go and listen to more from these “preachers” you’ll never hear about sin. You’ll never hear that you’re a sinner in need of a savior. You’ll never hear that you need to repent. I remember years ago being told that I shouldn’t talk bad about Joel Osteen because people may hear his positive message and come to Christ. No, they won’t! They may come to A christ, but that is not THE Christ of the Bible. For the Christ of the Bible calls us to repent (Luke 13:3). We also don't want to forget that its not just the cheesy prosperity guys you have to look out for! Liberal theologians are out there as well. People who will champion the LGBTQ+ agenda. People who will advocate for abortion. People who will twist scripture to approve of almost anything the Bible calls sin. People who say that there was no world wide flood. People who will say that the Bible is not inerrant. People who will say "unhitch yourself from the Old Testament because it's not relavent to today." People who constantly say "Did God really say...?" These guys are just as dangerous as the prosperity teachers, teaching a false gospel with the same damning implications. The main issue I have is not that there is false teachers, for there will always be false teachers, and judgement from the Lord is coming for them (2 Peter 2:1-3). The problem is that Christians are not recognizing false teaching, whether it comes from a movie, tv show, song, or a preacher. And if they do recognize it, it is only after they have already promoted the source. When people at the US Treasury train to spot counterfeit money they study the intricate details of genuine bills. The reason they do this is because if you know exactly what the real thing is you can spot the fakes. The same thing applies to our Christian walk. We are to study God’s word and know it, so that when people present, sing or teach things that are false, we can easily see it (Romans 12:2, Philippians 1:9-10, Hebrews 5:11-14). So first READ YOUR BIBLE! Read your Bible and study it daily! Spend time in prayer daily asking the Lord for wisdom! Secondly, next time you see something “Christian” check out the source first before promoting it! There are good Christian movies, tv shows, songs, and preachers out there! But before you promote them check them out fully! Like holding a twenty dollar bill up to the light to see if you can see that watermark of Andrew Jackson, hold these, movies, songs and preachers up to the Scriptures and check for the true gospel! Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1 ESV But test everything; hold fast what is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 ESV My Hope is Not in Dollars1/9/2024 Photo by Live Richer on Unsplash Because of inflation I have become like those of my grandparent’s generation who would say things like “I remember when I could buy a coke for a nickel.” I can remember buying a bag of Funyuns for $3.70 in 2021 instead of $5.50 today, or a 18 count box of Poptarts for $3.00 in 2021, now costs $5 (I checked my grocery receipts from 2021)! These facts are very frustrating. Looking at your grocery receipts or your electric bill can be a bit depressing.
In our world we need money! To obey scriptures such as 1 Timothy 5:8 we must have money! "But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8 ESV But along with money comes very dangerous temptations. "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs." 1 Timothy 6:10 ESV In 2024, with the economy we find ourselves in, there can be a temptation to be overly concerned about money. As Christians, we often tell each other to “give it to the Lord” when there is some type of trial or concern. I want to encourage you to “give it to the Lord” and I mean your money and everything! Romans 12:1 tells us to “present your bodies as living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” When the Bible says “to present your bodies” here, it is telling us to present the entirety of ourselves to God. As in, give every part of who you are, and what you have to the Lord. Write a blank check with all you are and with all you have to the Lord. What He wants from you, give to Him! If that sounds scary remember the promise of God in Romans 8:32. “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32 ESV The Lord will provide our needs! So let us live openhanded to the Lord, giving to Him whatever He requires from us whenever He requires it! Let us leverage all that the Lord has given us for the sake of His Kingdom! Invest your time, energy, and money into eternal things! We are rich in the United States. God has blessed us so very much. The average annual household income in the World is $12,235 compare to $70,930 in the United States ( Sometimes it’s hard to see how well off we are because we compare ourselves to those around us as opposed to those in other countries around the world. But the Lord has blessed us greatly and we as American Christians need to always remember what the Lord says to us in 1 Timothy 6:17. “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” 1 Timothy 6:17 ESV We cannot let money be hope. Our riches are uncertain. Consider how quickly the value of our dollars have dropped in just a few years. As Christians the Lord is our hope! He has given us so much by sending the Lord Jesus Christ to this earth to suffer and die for our sins. He loves us! He cares for us! He will provide for us! Next time you take out some cash to pay for something flip over the bill, no matter whether it’s a one, five, ten, twenty, fifty, or one hundred dollar bill, across the middle you will see “In God We Trust” (On the two dollar bill it is in the middle at the bottom in smaller print). Our national motto is an incredible reminder that God is our Hope! This piece of paper may fail but the God who created the heavens and the earth will never fail! Weekend Reads January 5th, 20241/5/2024 From Advent to Mission - Chase HinsonMy friend Pastor Chase Hinson has written a great article connecting how Christ’s first and second advent should move us to evangelism! Chase Hinson is the Lead Pastor at Lakewood Baptist Church in Evington, VA. Conquering Excuses for Scripture Memory - Andrew DavisAndrew Davis gives us the 5 most common excuses people give for not committing to Scripture memory and ways to overcome those excuses. Andrew Davis is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Durham, NC Should Unbelievers be Comfortable in Church? - Costi HinnCosti Hinn asks not whether unbelievers should feel welcomed at church (of course they should) but should they feel comfortable when the church worships. Costi Hinn is a church planter and pastor at The Shepherd’s House Bible Church in Chandler, Arizona. Happy New Year 20241/2/2024 Photo by Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash 2024 is here and with it comes a lot of uncertainty, but “Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.” (Psalm 115:3 ESV) As believers we have nothing to fear in 2024.
So what does this new year mean for us? Well first it’s a good time to make reading your Bible and spending time in prayer a part of your daily routine. If you need help knowing what to read you can simply start at the beginning of the the Old or New Testament or you can get a Bible reading plan. At Ector Baptist we give out the “Five Day Bible Reading Plan” available for free at There are also Bible reading plans available on the YouVersion Bible app (Link Below). As for prayer, just start talking to God. Ask Him to help you to understand and apply what you’re reading in His Word. Talk about your struggles, confess your sins, pray for others, and just worship Him! Tell Him how thankful you are for all the ways He has blessed you and be specific! Tell Him how awesome and amazing He is as your creator and savior! You may let that new gym membership start collecting dust come February but don’t let your Bible! Secondly, commit to sharing the gospel! You know people who are lost. There is a family member, a friend, a neighbor that you know is not a Christian. It’s time to commit to share the gospel with them. Also, if you do share the gospel with that person you’re thinking about right now, don’t stop with them! Sharing the gospel is not a once a year thing to check off. This is why we are here on this earth! If we weren’t here to share the gospel, the Lord would have taken us to Glory the moment we believed in Him! So don’t stop after one! Keep going! Pray that God would put people in your path that need to hear the gospel and then be faithful to share when God gives the opportunity! Remember, the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 isn’t optional it’s a command from our Lord! Third, commit yourself to the Lord’s church. President John F. Kennedy famously said “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” The same idea can be applied to the church. Before walking away from a church or just choosing to sleep in on most Sundays because “you’re not getting anything out of it,” ask yourself “what am I putting into the church?” We live in a society focused on consumerism but the church is a place you come to actively participate. What you get out of the church is dependent on what you are putting into the church. Serving in the church will always look different for different people based on your giftedness, and what stage of life you are in. But just as the Lord came to serve, not to be served (Matthew 20:28) so we also live to serve and not be served. The people in church need you! They need to shake your hand and hug your neck. They need you to listen to their stories about what the Lord is doing in their life and they need to hear your stories too. They need to hear you sing truth and you need to hear them. If you don’t know how you can serve and be involved just ask your pastor! We always know where people are needed! Going into 2024 there are a lot of things outside of our control that Satan would love to distract us with. Don’t let him! In 2024 pray, read God’s Word, share the gospel, and serve the church! This is how we live for God’s glory in a broken world! “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-3 AuthorTrevor Williams is the Lead Pastor at Ector Baptist Church in Ector, TX. Archives
June 2024